HypoCrites: GOD
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Friday 18 April 2008


From the cradle to the grave, we are made aware of the existence of the supreme, almighty, omnipotent being, who we know as GOD. Later when you grow up, the crust from your eyes fall and clearer vision is the result.
we are thought that this God is all knowing and all good. Not a hair can fall from your head without him being aware of it. This all knowing God is a Just God. He has created us and without him nothing can exist. God, looks after our every need and will see to it, that in the end justice will prevail. All men are equal.
His creation is perfect & beautiful, and they all live in Harmony with each other on this planet our home we call Earth.
This superior planet is like no other, it is everlasting. Like God it has Knowledge, Beauty & Strength. Religion, teaches us to respect and pray, and every prayer will be heard.
I ask you to put your hand on your heart and say, you truly believe this? If the answer is yes then you must also believe in Santa Claus.
Remove your tinted lenses and see the real world. What answer have you, to the sufferings of the Sick, Starving, Hungry& Dying? Those who hunger and thirst and are in need ? Those who live in a world where White is right and Black is evil. Where the world is divided between those who have and those who have not. A pregnant woman walks in the baking sun for miles to fetch water for her family, when at the same time there are others who are playing in it.
Look over your shoulders, I'm walking behind. I am your shadow, your conscience, your every thought. I will haunt you give me time.

My interpretation of GOD

My interpretation of GOD
G the generator, O the orator, & D the destroyer.
The three persons in 0ne god.
It can also stands for the Banks, the Corporates, the institution of study and conditioning, the Military & those who police and protect those who have from those who are without.
So the motto, ' In God we Trust rings true'
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