HypoCrites: Bio-Fuel & World Food Shortage
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Saturday 26 April 2008

Bio-Fuel & World Food Shortage

Bio-Fuel & World Food Shortage
Nelson Brunton
Bio-Fuel: was invented to save the planet but at what cost and to whom?
It seems amazing how this selfish world filled with the very Rich can live with their conscious; drive expensive fuel guzzlers at the expense of the world starving. What sort of Science engineering is this?
1/3 of the world population live in poverty, and below the breadline, whilst another 1/3 the working class, work and are in the service of making the rich richer. These are those who are the Mr & Mrs Average. They have a job, spouse, and children, pay a mortgage, and run their cars, have their annual 2 weeks allotted holiday, all in the line of duty. Bleeding their fellow workers and citizens to please and grovel for promotions in so doing. I do not blame you. You are the victims of the institution who rule you by the Book of laws and the order which make you feel guilty when things go wrong.
Next we have the 1/3 that is rich who do not have to dirty their hands; but with a little bribe can get Tom, Dick & Harry to do their dirty work. When caught up in crime, they make even more money because they are rich and pillars of society, who sell their story and come out smelling of roses, whilst the person caught red-handed serves time for him.
Amongst this 1/3 there is the 1% who is the Filthy rich. The offensive, obscene rich; worshipped by Society as the Demi-Gods of our Cultural & lawless citizens. They have so much money and not enough time to spend it. When things go wrong, one door closes and immediately another opens. Like the Blair’s & Bush’s of this world, they create a mess and then get paid to rectify it. What a wonderful position to be in. Their God is GREEN, the bucks they own.
We are conned into thinking of Green issues and carbon saving. But you can commit all the sins against nature if you can pay the Tax. Suddenly all is well. You can speed, run the big cars, fly from one end off the world to another, order a big meal and waste it, wear expensive perfumes, designer wear and be trendy as you like; all because you are the filthy rick. Please don’t forget, they Fart, burp, defecate, urinate, sweat and swear like all of us. Only one this is different, whatever they do is different to the rest because the press, media and even the Law is made to protect those who have from those who have not. Like to 10 commandments.
Now we have cars that run of clean fuel, cars that run of Dirty fuel, Cars that are Battery operated, and some who run on Bio-Fuel, but no one looks in the direction of Hydrogen the natural organic fuel of Mother Nature.
Please do not forget the poor and down trotted who are the have nots'. It is their land & food you have stolen to make the fuel you need and make the money you have. God has forgotten
Soaring oil prices have sent profits at Shell to all-time highs, up 20% over the past three months and taking earnings in the first half of the year to $14.5bn (£7.1bn) - £39m a day.

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Jeroen Van de Veer BOOM TIME: Shell chief executive Jeroen van der Veer described the half-year results as 'competitive'

* Oil profits soar as $100 barrel is forecast
* Crunch warning as oil nears $80
* Royal Dutch Shell share price data

With the global price of crude oil hitting record highs of more than £78 a barrel and the price per litre of petrol on Britain's garage forecourts looking like going through £1 this summer, Royal Dutch Shell today said profits in its second trading quarter of the year came in a staggering one-fifth higher at $7.5bn.

Oil giant BP, which in May unveiled record profits of £2.86bn, has boosted further its takings from UK motorists, who pay some of the highest petrol prices in the world, a statement has revealed.

BP estimated that, thanks to lower petrol prices on the wholesale market, profit margins at the division which runs its 29,000 filling stations had risen by an estimated 20% in the April-to-June quarter, compared with the three months before.

Most of the rise came at the expense of motorists in the United States, where BP runs 17,000 filling stations, and where pump prices in May reached a record $1.68 (£1.17) an American gallon (3.8 litres), according to a sector-wide survey.

This is Scandalous and. These price rises cannot be justified. It is us the consumer that pay the fat cats. You views will be appreciated.
People Power can drive this to a halt. You have more power than you think. Some one need to get it organized and started. It will prove a point that the lean months for the fat cats and be achieved.
You decide.
How did we end up paying so much tax on fuel?

The chancellor, Alistair Darling, has announced that the proposed increase of 2p per litre from October 1 is likely to be postponed. Truckers are staging a mass demonstration, claiming the soaring cost of fuel is threatening their livelihood.

The question is, how did we get to this situation, where ordinary folk are compelled to protest in such drastic ways? Why do we pay so much for fuel? How do we compare to other countries? And what can be done about it?

Highest costs

Today, the pump prices of fuel in the UK are among the highest in the world. This seems to be patently unfair. Why do we pay so much more for what is essentially the same commodity? The reasons are complex, but mainly come down to the duty we pay.

Oil is usually priced in dollars per barrel. Recent headlines shouted out that the cost was now over $130 per barrel. This is a doubling of the cost since early 2007, and more than four times the cost in 2002.

The reasons for such increases are varied and complex, but mainly they come from the balance of supply and demand. Whilst the world demands ever more oil, its supply is becoming more unstable with unrest across the globe affecting supplies.

Why should this mean we pay more though? We use the same oil, and they pay over $100 per barrel in France or Spain. Why is our fuel so expensive?

How we got here

A little bit of background is useful here. In 2000, protestors were making the point that government policy on fuel duty was unfair and was damaging the livelihoods of many small business people. Blockades across the country brought it to a standstill.

For years the duty paid on fuel had risen at a higher rate than the actual cost of the fuel. This was because of the “ Fuel Price Escalator”. This was a mechanism whereby fuel duty is increased by a set percentage over and above inflation. It was introduced by the Conservative government, initially at 3% over inflation, but increased to an eventual 6% by Labour.

Basically, if inflation was 4%, fuel duty went up 10%. Effectively, fuel costs were increasing disproportionately and more rapidly than other countries. Also, was increasing government tax revenues.

To hauliers, their costs were increasing solely to pay money into government coffers.

What tax do we pay?

The fuel protests in 2000 brought about the abolition of the escalator.

To be fair to the government, fuel duty has not risen much in the last few years, with freezes and minimal increases since 2000. The percentage of duty out of overall cost has actually fallen quite substantially in the last 10 years, from 85% to about 45%.

The government has claimed there has been an 11% reduction in fuel duty rates in real terms, but this is slightly disingenuous. It is based on very high rates that they introduced in the first place.

Also, as there is VAT due on fuel, and the overall pump price has increased so much, revenue has increased substantially.

The effects of the fuel duty escalator have not been adequately repaired. The main damage has already been done, and the cost of our fuel is still comparatively very high.

Taking diesel as our example, the rate of duty on fuel is currently 48.35p per litre. This is the highest in Europe, where the average rate for diesel is around 27p per litre.

The rate was due to increase by 2p, to 50.35p per litre, in April, with further increases to come. These have been postponed for the time being.

Possible solutions

The 2p per litre increase in the rate of duty, already postponed from April 2008, is likely to be postponed once again. Whether this is a further example of the government back-tracking or a sensible course of action given the global oil crisis is a moot point. What it does mean is that the effects of the increase in crude oil costs will not hit as hard.

Is it enough though? Could the government do more?

Rising costs of crude oil are out of the government’s control (although some would argue otherwise). Furthermore, as it is a flat rate duty, it is impossible to reduce fuel duty too much without destabilising budgets.

However, as the increase in the cost of oil was unexpected, could some of the government’s windfall from additional VAT be returned to the public?

This could take the form of a tax rebate to hauliers or an increase in the mileage rates allowable as business expenses.
by Julian Shaw

How can you trust your Government?
Why Macmillan refused to tell us smoking was harmful

By Tom Kelly
Last updated at 8:23 AM on 30th May 2008

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Harold macmillan: A pipe man

Harold macmillan: A pipe man

Harold Macmillan claimed smoking was no more dangerous than 'crossing a street' and argued against issuing a Government health warning, Cabinet papers released yesterday reveal.

The then Chancellor, a keen pipe and cigar smoker, had another reason for ignoring evidence of a link between cigarettes and lung cancer - he was afraid of losing tax revenue.

There was already growing concern that smoking caused the disease when in 1956 the Cabinet was given a scientific report showing clear statistical evidence of a connection.

It prompted panic among ministers over whether they should 'expose' the facts and condemn smoking as a health risk.

Sir Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister, said: 'The time is arrived when we should decide whether we have a line.'

Macmillan urged caution. He described the medical report as a 'very serious issue' - but not because of the potential risks to smokers.

Instead, he pointed out that the revenue from smoking was crucial in keeping income tax down, adding that it was 'not easy to see how to replace it'.

He claimed that the life expectancy for a smoker - 73 at the time - was only one year less than that of a non-smoker.

He added: 'The Treasury think revenue interest outweighs this. (It is) negligible compared with risk of crossing a street.' Notes from the meeting on April 17, 1956, were released at the National Archives in Kew, South West London.

Health Minister Robert Turton, who had been urged by the Medical Advisory Committee to tell the public of the facts on any link between smoking and cancer, admitted that the 'statistical picture is clear'.

But he also opposed issuing a warning, explaining that the report had fallen short of providing absolute scientific 'proof' of a connection between smoking and cancer.

Ministers agreed not to comment on the issue until another report was published with more detailed information.

A fortnight later, the Cabinet decided to announce that the Government would 'ensure that the public are kept well informed of all relevant information as and when it becomes available'.

But ministers still did not make a decision on whether to warn about the risks of smoking. They also discussed plans to massage the figures to make lung cancer appear less of a threat than heart disease.

Macmillan took over as Prime Minister the following year after Eden resigned over the Suez crisis. He held the position until 1963.

Despite repeated warnings from medical experts about the link between smoking and cancer, ministers took no action until 1965 when they banned cigarette advertising on television.

The first public health campaign highlighting the dangers of smoking was in 1971, coinciding with the start of health warnings appearing on cigarette packets.

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Why is the world waiting? If a child is drowning, will you ask its parents if you can save it? All this Politics is getting in the way of common sense.
The World must do what comes natural and not be dedicated by Fear, and stupid Logic.

Nelson Brunton
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