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Saturday 30 July 2011

Raw Milk

Raw Milk Raid on Amish Farmer Highlights Stupid FDA Tactics

Reason contributor Baylen Linnekin writes about a totally insane (and armed!) raid on an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania who dared provide raw milk and other dairy products to willing and knowing DC-area customers. The details of the raid are disturbing and so is the rationale against the purchase of the stuff in question:
Anyone who has ever brought home a dozen eggs from a grocer’s shelves has purchased raw food. And once a consumer brings any food home, it’s up to the consumer - not the government - to decide how (or if) he or she wants to cook the food. The notion that the government would ban raw chicken, beef or eggs - or deli meat, for that matter - from store shelves may seem ludicrous. Seen in this context, the current raw milk ban is no less absurd.
Even if consumers were unaware of the risk involved in consuming a raw agricultural product like raw milk or raw beef, FDA and USDA guidelines, along with many state and local health codes, typically require warnings about the potential dangers of consuming raw or undercooked foods. Where a warning will suffice, a ban is inappropriate. The FDA’s extraordinary message when it comes to raw milk, though, is that the American people are too dim to read the very labels the agency requires.
Whole thing here, in the Washington Times.
Linnekin is the founder and director of Keep Food Legal, a nonprofit that is dedicated to defining and enlarging culinary freedom, the (radical!) notion that eaters and chefs should be free to use whatever ingredients they want in the act of cooking and chowing. Check out Keep Food Legal here.
Last fall, Reason.tv covered a raw-food raid that took place in Southern California. Check it out now:

Sunday 12 June 2011

Truth about GOD

House of Jokes to make you laugh, as Laughter is a good medicine to get healing in the Body and release tension in the mind

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Things get heated up when we discuss vaccines

Things get heated up when we discuss vaccines
We can talk about problems with cyanide, global warming, cell phone/EMF, Vioxx, arsenic in the water, chemotherapy, etc etc etc. But as soon as we start taking about problems caused by vaccines, there is an enormous polarization. People get offended and defensive. The battle is often heated, separating families, spouses, communities. It is always amazing to me how strongly a parent will defend the rights to inject their children with viruses, bacteria and chemicals.
A vaccine is a drug...a widget of Pharma. Will we ever get to the place of unemotionally discussing that widget? I really can't recall a single person who has truly investigated vaccine science and examined what is in vaccines and then has chosen to continue to vaccinate. Vaccines cause harm. The risks are substantial and evidence is growing. The long term risks outweigh the short term benefit of eliminating childhood diseases that were Rights of Passage only a few years ago.
Would we lobby for the right of a parent to continue to use thalidomide, knowing the potential for harm? Not every woman who took the drug gave birth to a child with defects. But as soon as the *potential* for harm was identified, the drug was removed from the market.
Not so with vaccines. Hundreds of thousands of children and adults have been maimed by this pharma widget. What an incredible double standard. A week of reading VAERS reports should be mandatory all those involved with this issue....and for every medical doctor, nurse and public health official before they are allowed to administer a shot. When you read the hundreds and hundreds of tragic stories, the true insanity of vaccination is apparent to even the most unmedical minds.
I support laws that allow the right to choose because I want to do everything I can to support those who do not want to vaccinate. But as hypocritical as it may sound, I am not doing this to support the rights for those who are want to choose to vaccinate. I do not support the right to harm children. To me, that is no different than lobbying for the right to of parents to beat their children.

Friday 11 March 2011